ZA 24 JUL – Workshops Ezequiel Sanucci met Mori – WS 2. Soltadas

ZA 24 JUL – Workshops Ezequiel Sanucci met Mori – WS 2. Soltadas

Koop hier je ticket voor Workshop 2

Workshops Ezequiel Sanucci met Mori

Niveau: gevorderd, half-gevorderd, vergevorderd
Van 16:45 tot 19:30

Workshop 1. Sacadas – halfgevorderd/gevorderd

Low Sacadas for leaders & followers “Sacadas” are typical tango moves and in neotango we also play with lowering the levels in order to make them bigger, beautiful and spectacular. In this workshop you will learn many different kinds of Sacadas,like back Sacadas and followers Sacadas that can be applied in neotango as well as in traditional tango de salon.

tijd: 16.45 – 18.00 uur
kosten €15,-

Workshop 2. Neotango workshop: Soltadas – gevorderd/vergevorderd

Soltadas means “released”. We release the embrace, or just a part of it, but we definitely keep the connection. This is a very characteristic movement used in Neotango. There are many different kinds of Soltadas. In this workshop you will learn different types of Soltadas, how to lead them and follow them, how to keep the connection in this moment and how to get back to the embrace. You will also learn how to apply this possibilities to neo and non tango music. Learning Soltadas will enrich your Neotango vocabulary and make your dance more playful and fun.

tijd: 18.15 – 19.30 uur
kosten €15,-

DJ in de oefenavond: DJ Eze

Koop hier je ticket voor Workshop 2

Voor de oefenavond en de andere workshop dien je je apart op te geven


ZA 24 JUL – Workshops Ezequiel Sanucci met Mori | WS 1. Sacadas

ZA 24 JUL – Workshops Ezequiel Sanucci met Mori | WS 1. Sacadas

Koop hier je ticket voor Workshop 1

Workshops Ezequiel Sanucci met Mori

Niveau: gevorderd, half-gevorderd, vergevorderd
Van 16:45 tot 19:30

Workshop 1. Sacadas – halfgevorderd/gevorderd

Low Sacadas for leaders & followers “Sacadas” are typical tango moves and in neotango we also play with lowering the levels in order to make them bigger, beautiful and spectacular. In this workshop you will learn many different kinds of Sacadas,like back Sacadas and followers Sacadas that can be applied in neotango as well as in traditional tango de salon.

tijd: 16.45 – 18.00 uur
kosten €15,-

Workshop 2. Neotango workshop: Soltadas – gevorderd/vergevorderd

Soltadas means “released”. We release the embrace, or just a part of it, but we definitely keep the connection. This is a very characteristic movement used in Neotango. There are many different kinds of Soltadas. In this workshop you will learn different types of Soltadas, how to lead them and follow them, how to keep the connection in this moment and how to get back to the embrace. You will also learn how to apply this possibilities to neo and non tango music. Learning Soltadas will enrich your Neotango vocabulary and make your dance more playful and fun.

tijd: 18.15 – 19.30 uur
kosten €15,-

DJ in de oefenavond: DJ Eze

Koop hier je ticket voor Workshop 1

Voor de oefenavond en de andere workshop dien je je apart op te geven

